Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


2 Corinthians 3

Removing the veil

A veil is often used to conceal or obscure to prevent others from seeing. Sometimes we may wear a veil or a mask because we don’t want people to see our weaknesses. At other times we may wear a veil… Continue Reading →

Oh that You would bless me indeed!

How would you characterize the content of your prayers? Tucked away in the book of 1 Chronicles we’re introduced to an individual named Jabez. We don’t know much about Jabez except for the two verses that give us insight into… Continue Reading →

What is your source of strength?

Have you ever been in a situation and the harder you tried the worse it seemed to get? This is the classic example of baseball players who are in a batting slump. They start over-analyzing the reasons why they’re not… Continue Reading →


Unqualified by Steven Furtick can bring encouragement to those who believe that they may be unqualified for God to use them.  Furtick points out, “God has a habit of picking people who have been passed over” (p. 4).  You may… Continue Reading →

It takes time

Character takes time to develop.  God took a forty year old somebody, spent forty years revealing that he was a nobody, and forty more years demonstrating what He can do with anybody. How does a microwave society with instant mashed potatoes and frozen TV dinners teach… Continue Reading →

Daring Greatly

What comes to mind when you think of the word “vulnerability?”  It’s usually not a word that we want to characterize our lives.  Brene Brown in Daring Greatly reveals how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love,… Continue Reading →

Are You Being Transformed?

As you look at your life there are probably a few changes you would like to make.  The reality is none of us ever arrive – we can always be more like Jesus.  But how does this change come about? … Continue Reading →

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