Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


1 Peter 4

Use your gifts!

We sometimes have a tendency to focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do have. We may see talented individuals and exclaim, “I wish I could do what they do.” What we fail to recognize is that… Continue Reading →

Our mountain moving God

What is your attitude when you encounter a seemingly impossible situation? Some of us try harder, whereas others may simply give up and seek another path. Jesus gave His disciples a strategy to help them deal with challenging difficulties. It… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. Pablo Picasso Are you an artist? When we think of artists what often comes to mind are painters, musicians, or dancers. One of… Continue Reading →

What is your response to painful situations?

We don’t enjoy painful situations, yet they are an inevitable fact of life. Suffering is a major theme of the Apostle Peter’s brief epistle. He presents a fresh perspective as we face suffering in our lives, Beloved, do not be… Continue Reading →

Do you Know Your Spiritual Gifts?

Have you ever given someone a gift and then seen it ignored or even re-gifted?  When you give a gift to someone else your desire is to see that it is appreciated and it is disheartening to see your gift… Continue Reading →

Journey to the Cross

Have you ever been disappointed by your expectations?  The hardest situation is when you have high expectations but a poor experience and we often emerge disappointed or deeply discouraged. The disciples experienced this emotion during passion week.  Jesus entered Jerusalem… Continue Reading →

Sincere but Simplistic

Have you ever made a statement or declaration  but then acted differently than you had planned?  The Apostle Peter faced that  situation.  In the upper room Jesus said to His disciples, Little children, I am with you a little while… Continue Reading →

Are you willing to pay the price?

My last blog post considered the price of obedience.  If you are going to achieve your God given destiny then it will require that you pay the price.  What if the price is greater than what you want to pay?… Continue Reading →

Does God Always Answer Prayer?

As a young Christian I was perplexed why some of my prayers went unanswered.  Have you ever experienced the frustration of a prayer that went unanswered?   As I’ve grown in the Christian faith, I’ve learned there may be a… Continue Reading →

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