Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


1 Peter 1

Do you have a clear conscience?

A heartfelt desire among many people is the freedom of a clear conscience. A burdened conscience can prevent people from believing that they are accepted by God. Our conscience tells us that we may or may not be doing the… Continue Reading →

You can experience inexpressible joy

It can be difficult to rejoice when we’re facing various trials. The Apostle Peter’s first epistle is a brief handbook on developing a perspective for dealing with suffering in our lives. Peter commended his audience as he observed their great… Continue Reading →

The value of your faith

The challenges of life have a way of taking our focus away from God and onto our problems. Discouragement can cause us to lose hope Some people at the church at Corinth were starting to doubt the fact of the… Continue Reading →

Sunday’s sermon in ten tweets

Today’s sermon challenged us to set our hope completely on the grace to be brought to us through Jesus Christ Hope is the key that unlocks the door to God’s grace. Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober,… Continue Reading →

Hope in troubling times

Where do you turn when you’re facing a difficult situation? The Apostle Peter wrote a letter to Christians who were living in a culture in which they were facing difficulties and persecution. You may feel like you’re in a situation… Continue Reading →

Do you know the joy of God’s salvation?

There are times when we do not appreciate the value of something until it’s gone. In the Old Testament, David’s Psalms reveal that he had a deep and intimate relationship with God. He experienced a desperate sense of loss however,… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

An ounce of preventative discipline today is worth a pound of corrective action later. Todd Henry This statement is a clarion call for taking a proactive stance. You can always take corrective action later; however, the cost is often higher… Continue Reading →

A strategy for overcoming sinful habits

It’s frustrating how entrenched sinful habits can become in our lives. God has provided many wonderful pleasures for us, but the effects of the fall have adulterated what God meant for good. For example, the enjoyment of good food has… Continue Reading →

The Holiness of God

What comes to mind when you consider the holiness of God?  A.H. Strong in his treatise on Systematic Theology argues that holiness is the fundamental attribute of God (Systematic Theology, p. 296).  A.W. Tozer skillfully writes about the uniqueness of… Continue Reading →

It’s Friday . . . but Sunday’s Coming!

A cursory glance of the headlines can cause despair:  threats of terrorism, financial uncertainty, rumors of war, and the day to day struggles of everyday life.  With the many challenges in this world we can lose perspective.  Perhaps you feel… Continue Reading →

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