Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. Dan Gable The summer Olympics are in progress and I thought it would be apropos to reflect upon one of America’s great… Continue Reading →
All of us have experienced situations that didn’t go as we had hoped. This was the situation the nation of Israel faced as they returned to their homeland from captivity. The prophet Haggai described their painful situation, You have sown… Continue Reading →
The phrase, “I’ve arrived”, may engender a feeling of contentment, accomplishment, and unfortunately, a lack of growth. There may be aspects in our lives in which we have arrived; however, our quest for spiritual maturity has no finish line –… Continue Reading →
If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a LOT of time dealing with a life you don’t want. Kevin Ngo Many people dream about a… Continue Reading →
If you want what few people have, then you must be willing to do what few people do. We may want what other people have, but are we willing to pay the price? The Apostle Paul gives us the picture… Continue Reading →
You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both. Brene Brown There’s a reason why we like to stay in our comfort zone, it’s easy to stay there. If you’re going to make a difference… Continue Reading →
We don’t rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training. – Archilochus This quote really hits home with me. During the summer my training was going well and I signed up for the… Continue Reading →
The first blog post in this series looked at the importance of our relationship with God. The second post revealed how God uses circumstances in our lives to foster our spiritual growth. This post will examine the importance of personal… Continue Reading →
I went with a friend and his son to Key West as he participated in the Swim Around Key West and I was his kayaker for the event. The swim is 12.5 miles in the ocean and we completed our… Continue Reading →
When you are living with purpose you exhibit enthusiasm toward life. The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word; entheos “divinely inspired, possessed by a god,” from en “in” and theos “god”. Take a look at the Apostle Paul’s enthusiasm at his desire to proclaim… Continue Reading →
As you look at the lives of famous people you may think “I could never be like that.” Bestselling author Robert Greene would most likely disagree with that statement. Greene has spent years studying highly successful people and has discovered… Continue Reading →
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