Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


1 Corinthians 10

Three questions to guide you in times of uncertainty

When we face a decision that is between good and evil we know what we should do (although we may not always want to do it). Our challenge is how do we decide when the choice is not black or… Continue Reading →

The way of escape

Temptation is an inevitable fact of life. There are no shortage of temptations that we face. The world, the flesh and the devil all seem to conspire against us. How can we gain the victory? Oscar Wilde quipped, “The only… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana We have a responsibility to be students of history so we don’t make the same mistakes of those who have gone before us. The lessons of history… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We are over-fed & under-nourished. Ryan Holiday Ryan Holiday makes a stinging indictment upon our modern society. Whether it’s food, entertainment, or relationships we have a tendency to settle for less than the best. We substitute processed junk food for… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

By yielding to temptation you can lose in a moment what it took a lifetime to gain. We face temptations from the world, our fleshly desires, and the devil. As we face these temptations, we must realize our dependence upon God,… Continue Reading →

Do you realize the seriousness of sin?

One of the enemy’s strategies is to make us think that sin is no big deal. You’ve heard the rationale: everybody’s doing it, it won’t harm anyone, no one will find out. The Bible speaks to the situations we face… Continue Reading →

How To Face Difficult Times

What’s your attitude when you’re facing difficult times?  If you focus on the difficulties that you’re facing, you may experience a downward spiral and feel overwhelmed.  King David of Israel encountered a number of challenges in his life.  What was… Continue Reading →

Complacency in the Cockpit

When I was in the flight squadron every month we would receive a magazine entitled  Approach.  This magazine highlighted airplane accidents so that we could learn from the mistakes of others and not make the same error.  A common theme… Continue Reading →

Sincere but Simplistic

Have you ever made a statement or declaration  but then acted differently than you had planned?  The Apostle Peter faced that  situation.  In the upper room Jesus said to His disciples, Little children, I am with you a little while… Continue Reading →

Do you know that you don’t know?

This past week a team from LifePark traveled to a Church Planting workshop sponsored by The Cypress Project.  It was a great opportunity to partner together with other churches to see how we could mobilize transformed people into a lost… Continue Reading →

How God Makes Men

How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley looks at the lives of ten Biblical heroes to examine how God developed their character. This book is filled with practical wisdom how you can develop those same strong character traits in your life…. Continue Reading →

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