This is a political platitude I have heard several times from Vice President Kamala Harris. The grammar is confusing – is the subject “what can be” or “what has been?” Does “what has been” seek to unburden “what can be” or does the phrase “what has been” serve as an antithesis to “what can be?” From the context of her speeches, she seems to be expressing a hope that the future won’t be burdened by the practices of the past. Since Kamala Harris has come into the spotlight as the democrats choice for president it appears this is what she means:

What can be means that we are unburdened by objective truth. How else do we explain a nominee for the supreme court who cannot tell us what constitutes a woman.

What can be means that we are unburdened by the limitations of binary gender restrictions. We’ve essentially jettisoned Title IX for women as men compete against women in sports. The last straw for me was when Italian boxer Angela Carini was punched twice by an Algerian boxer in the Paris Olympics – he had previously been barred from fighting women since he has XY chromosomes. Angela stopped her bout 46 seconds in and broke down in tears, saying she had never been hit so hard. I think of the many young women who have sacrificed time and effort only to have their dreams dashed by a guy who couldn’t qualify for the Olympics in men’s sports.

What can be means that we are unburdened by meritocracy. Cultural Marxism ensures that diversity, equity, and inclusion reign supreme. I think of individuals who did not want to be saddled with high tuition costs so rather than going to college, they became skilled in a trade. The bicoastal elite want you as a taxpayer to pay the student loans for those who went to college presumably so they could gain a high paying job. Even though the Supreme Court said President Biden could not allow this, he said he was going around the court – so much for the rule of law.

What can be means that we are unburdened by our failures. President Biden assigned Kamala Harris to oversee the border and investigate the systemic reasons for the mass migration into the U.S. After the influx of millions of illegal aliens and a strain on our resources, we are told that she never had any responsibility for the border. George Orwell in 1984 was correct, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

I could go on, but you get the idea. Paradoxically, the current democrat party is anything but democratic in practice. I was raised in a working class family who were staunchly democratic. John F. Kennedy would not recognize the democrat party of today. I did not leave the democrat party, but the democrat party left me. I realize there are many who have significant antipathy toward Donald Trump, but I cannot vote for a party that is leading us into socialism. The future of our country is at stake:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)

I recommend that before you vote, that you read Tulsi Gabbard’s book For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind. Tulsi was a former democratic nominee for president and she will give you an eye-opening insider’s view.


Rick Higgins

Associate Pastor – Discipleship.  The Church at LifePark