
The weekends are a good time to accomplish what I call “offensive reading” – that’s reading that you want to do rather than reading that you have to do.  I was gripped by the following sentence by Samuel Chand,


If you take care of your personal life, God will take care of your public life.

My responsibility is to take care of the inside – God will take care of the outside.  How often do we confuse these two responsibilities?  This is such a freeing statement.  If I take care of my interior life then He will take care of the rest.  This reminds me of Jesus’ advice in Matthew 6:33, 

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Is your public life not what you want it to be?  Start with the inside and He’ll take care of the outside.  One discipline I have found helpful to take care of my personal life is to start my day meeting with God and listening to Him – how do you take care of your personal life?