When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul. (Psalm 94:19)

Where do you find relief from anxious thoughts? The Psalmist was facing oppression from others and the pressure that he was facing was mounting. He was seeking to follow God while facing grief and sorrow.

The presence of trouble in our lives does not mean the absence of God. We must remember that in every desert of grief, God has provided an oasis of grace. Even though the Psalmist was facing some significant challenges, he found comfort in God and His promises. We live in a fallen world and we will experience disquieting thoughts and tumultuous sorrows.

The Psalmist found his comfort in God and so can we. The Lord may calm the storm around you, but more often he’ll calm the storm within you. The more we focus upon our problems, the larger and more formidable they can seem. The opposite is also true – the more we focus upon God and His promises, the smaller our problems seem to be. Where is your focus? When we gain God’s perspective, we gain the confidence to trust in Him. Thomas Moore wisely observed that “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” God is able to calm our anxious thoughts and provide comfort to our soul.

Don’t allow your anxious thoughts to multiply. When you’re facing opposition, don’t despair – an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. May the Lord be your rock of refuge as you find delight for your soul in God and His word.


Rick Higgins

Associate Pastor – Discipleship.  The Church at LifePark