About six months ago I built a stand up desk (see the corresponding picture). Jeanne mentioned to me an article she had read about the health benefits of standing rather than sitting and I have discovered I feel more creative when I’m standing. So I did a little research and discovered a website that specializes in stand up desks but after looking at their prices I became somewhat discouraged so I decided to build one (I was able to build the desk you see pictured for less than $100).
If you’re thinking that seems strange here’s some advice from Dean Karnazes author of Ultramarathon Man (after I read his book I was so motivated that I added an extra 100 yards to my run!). He recommends:
Step one: dramatically redesign the way you work. This means removing the one thing in your life that everybody else (wrongly so) relies on daily as a necessity—a chair. That’s right; take that chair right out of your workspace, and your life. No more sitting for you during the workweek, or ever if, possible.
Michael Hyatt also references a great infographic from visua.ly that is fascinating and well worth seeing!
What are your thoughts about the infographic?
Associate Pastor – Discipleship. The Church at LifePark
Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University
Follow me on twitter: rickhiggins5
December 10, 2011 at 6:13 am
Wow, you built it by yourself? I am impressed! You are the renaissance guy ;-)!
December 8, 2011 at 3:12 pm
I agree the infographic is powerful! Even a box is good enough to elevate your work surface. May God give you good health as you faithfully serve Him!3 John 2
December 8, 2011 at 12:33 pm
Amazing infographic, Rick. My back hurt just reading it! So are we getting podiums in our offices . . . ?
I think I’m going hunting for one, or an old music stand or something!