


Lloyd Reeb spoke in chapel this week and hosted a luncheon presenting his work with  I had the privilege of working with Lloyd several years ago in a learning community sponsored by Leadership Network as we investigated how we could mobilize people to use their time, treasure, and talents for kingdom purposes.  In the developed world we are experiencing a demographic phenomenon where we have a growing number of people who have reached middle age, have achieved success in their profession, and now want their life to count for eternal purposes.  Lloyd highlights three primary reasons why this is so:


1. Increased longevity

2. Greater resources

3. A desire to change the world


There are three primary elements to help you find your next step:


1. Core – understand who you are, your strengths, your passions, and your mission

2. Capacity – this is the margin of time, energy, and money you have to serve others

3. Context – refers to environment in which you can make your biggest contribution


The intersection of these three circles provides insight where you can make your best contribution to the kingdom of God.  Are you wondering how God could best use you?  Remember that God doesn’t need you, but He wants you!  You may want to check out some of Lloyd’s resources so you can get clear, get free, and get going for what He wants you to do!.