Freedom comes from understanding, which comes from the Holy Spirit.


Where do we get that understanding? Job 32:8 tells us—“But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.”


Understanding of:


  • What’s really true
  • Why and how to overcome addiction—to substances, other people’s approval, achievement, etc.
  • Right vs. wrong
  • Our responsibility vs. taking on too much
  • How people are really feeling and thinking
  • …whatever we need to understand in order to respond to life and other people properly


We can’t count on age and experience. All that means is we could’ve been doing the wrong things the wrong way for a longer period of time and reinforcing the wrongness each time we did it. The longer we walk in the wrong direction, the farther away from the right destination we’re going to be. For example, self-centered, unkind, young people become cantankerous, contentious elderly people!


We can’t count on our own reasoning. Our own reasoning is limited by lack of knowledge and perspective, and biased by what we want to see and do. Plus, we often lie to ourselves without realizing it. Too many of our thoughts are based on false foundations.


For example, have we ever thought, “That person doesn’t like me”, because of something they say or do, or don’t say or do? But in truth, that person may not have meant or thought anything against us.


Or perhaps we believe, based on past experience and looking at the economy, that we are headed into unemployment and the shame and lack of provision that comes from it. So we worry, get depressed, and prepare ourselves for the worst. But when we do this, are we counting on the Lord to see our need and take care of us? Likely not. Mat. 6:33—“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (whatever we need) will be added to you.” That’s counterintuitive, especially when human logic tells us it’s up to us to take care of ourselves. But theo-logic (God’s way of reasoning) says and proves otherwise.


Or how about feeling and thinking we have to do it all, because if we don’t the job won’t get done right? This just demonstrates fear of giving up control, and lack of trust in other people (friends, family, colleagues, subordinates, etc.). That leads to overwhelming stress and burnout for us, and boredom and lack of purpose for them. But when we listen to the Spirit and gain understanding, we see that they can do much more than we thought, the worst that could happen is we’d have to do it in the end, the best (more likely) is we’ll be relieved of the burden.


Here’s an example of understanding recently freeing me—transparent disclosure here:  I was sure someone didn’t like me anymore because she wasn’t talking to me as much as she did before. Between the enemy of our souls and my own insecurity, mixed with inaccurate perception and incomplete information, I jumped to a wrong conclusion and stayed there. That really messed with my mind and spirit. In reality, my new, much-younger friend hadn’t “ditched” me because I was too old (which is what I feared and assumed). She’s just an introvert, quiet by nature, and even quieter when going through a hard time, which she was. Thankfully the Holy Spirit got my attention, cut through the lies, and got me to give her grace and space and not take it personally. That freed me from feeling like a reject. Within the week she started talking and sharing with me again.


We can’t count on other people’s opinions. Their reasoning is just as faulty as ours, if not more. Then, they not only can’t fully understand life, they often misunderstand us. Plus, their influence may not, and often isn’t, from pure motives. They have their own agendas and self-interest guiding their advice and what they want us to do.


Does this mean age, experience, inner logic, and other (hopefully wise) people can’t help us understand? No. It just means they’re not enough.


Only the One who sees and knows all and has the best motive for all can give us the perspective we need for understanding. How freeing it is to not have to do the wrong thing, have the wrong attitude, even do more than we’re supposed to do!


Thankfully we who have the Spirit dwelling within us have that freedom! “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 1 Cor. 3:17. Freedom from slavery to besetting sin, triggers and impulses, depression, anxiety, and… (keep filling in the blank)!