“…Jesus stood up and said, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Jn. 7:37-38
This past week I was wondering why my dog Trooper wasn’t drinking much. The days had been warm, he’d been exercising enough, and yet the water level in his doggy-bowl had barely gone down.
Then I discovered why when my husband declared “Trooper, don’t drink from the toilet bowl!” “Bam!”, came the sound of the seat lid shutting, cutting off Trooper’s other available source of water.
Being that he’s a dog, I couldn’t blame him—after all, that source was bigger and more abundant, and likely more convenient, since it was down next to our family room where it’s cooler, where he likes to hang out in summer.
Now apply this to people. When we’re looking for answers, for relief, for ways to quench our thirst for whatever we need or think we need—what source do we go to? Unlike sources of water for Trooper (his water bowl and two toilet bowls), there’s many sources out there for people to “drink” belonging, significance, relationship, “truth”, and identity from:
~Wealth—Material possessions—get what we can and can what we get
~Status—higher positions in prestigious jobs
~Fame—become a well-known celebrity
~Social-media—become a “thought leader” or just get heaps of “loves” and “likes”
~Internet search engines— “knowledge is power”
~Fun—experiences, adventure, etc.
~Power—political, corporate, etc.
In and of themselves, these aren’t necessarily bad. Each can be a platform for good if stewarded correctly, put in proper perspective, have wholesome content, and most importantly, don’t become our “god”.
But if any of these become a substitute for our true Source of life, wisdom, and happiness, it will lead us astray and eventually destroy us. Why?
First, it becomes a false source of satisfaction. Just like Trooper didn’t drink from his real water dish because he was already filled with water, we’ll be filled up with sources that can never give us true life or well-being. The worst danger here, then, is that won’t realize our need for the one and only true Source of abundant life!
“Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.” Is. 55:2
Second, anything but the Lord Himself is temporary. Even if it does satisfy us in the short-term, it won’t in the long-term, and certainly not for eternity. Plus, it often doesn’t even last long. We can lose our status, relationships, wealth, ability to have fun, etc. at any time and often do—people get fired, loved-ones pass away or leave, our bodies grow old. Even knowledge isn’t guaranteed—it can be “fake news”, false-information, forgotten, etc.
“’Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.’” Mat. 6:19
Third, our heart will be divided and diverted away from the Lord. That’s why Jesus told his disciples, and us, “’No one can serve two masters… You cannot serve both God and money.’” Mat. 6:24
Fourth, the content can be poisonous. The internet exposes us to both good and bad. Social media leaves us dependent on the fickle whims of an audience that may or may not see or like or posts. Possessions may end up possessing us. Friends and family may influence us in harmful ways. Our way of having fun could harm us and others.
Ask Trooper—even he knows not to drink from those two alternate sources of water in our house when they contain “hazardous material” (someone forgot to flush)!
So, as we seek truth, happiness, belonging, love, and all that we need, be sure to check our sources. Only one Source is guaranteed pure, satisfactory, and lasts forever.
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Mat. 6:33
October 26, 2022 at 8:03 pm
Thanks, Ann! Always a blessing to me to know that folks like you are receiving encouraging truth from Him through my writing!
October 26, 2022 at 6:18 pm
Julie, what a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your message from God. What a blessed that you accepted the call to teach others. Trusting in Our Lord always, Ann S.