Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD. (Psalm 27:14)
Have you ever been waiting in line at a store and you count the people in each line? Then you estimate the number of items they have, and you evaluate the efficiency of the cashier. You do all of these calculations so you can move to the fastest line because you don’t want to wait. Just as you make your strategic move the customer in front of you needs a price check and you discover that your original line was faster.
Waiting can be difficult. We may identify with the individual who was praying and exclaimed, “God I need patience and I need it right now!” King David was facing a time of waiting in his life. He was waiting for God’s deliverance from enemies that were seeking to kill him. David’s example shows us that we can have confidence in difficult situations by learning to wait upon God.
Waiting can be difficult, but as we wait – God is at work. David encouraged us to be strong and take courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but it’s the ability trust God even when we’re fearful. God does some of His greatest work during our most difficult times. Only those who have the patience to wait through the difficult times will see God work in ways that they could not imagine. Adel Bestavros wisely observed:
Patience with others is love.
Patience with self is hope.
Patience with God is faith.
Rick Higgins
Associate Pastor – Discipleship. The Church at LifePark
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