Some of us ladies are excellent make-up artists. Some of us, like myself, remain perpetual “Girl Scouts”, who’d rather spend time hiking and playing sports than enhancing their appearance.
Yet, if asked, we’d all admit we’d like to look good, as well as feel good! And there’s nothing wrong with applying a strategic bit of make-up here and there, especially if the “barn door needs painting…”!
That’s why I want to tell you about the best make-up out there—called “Radiance”—it’s truly heavenly! And better yet, it’s free! All it costs is our time. Here’s how to get it, according to a trustworthy testimony:
“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God.” Exod. 34:29
Ok—I get it— maybe you’re thinking, “That’s great for Moses—He was one holy and healthy dude that God used to give us the Ten Commandments and lived ‘til 120 without losing his strength! But can this work for me?”
Yes! Here’s the guarantee for all of us, no matter what skin or personality type we are:

“Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” Ps. 34:5
Here’s proof—like those testimonials we read and hear:
When I was a fairly new believer, I joined a 10-day YWAM mission trip to Mexico. The trip normally consisted of a 33 hour bus-ride (enough to sanctify anyone if they didn’t die first), followed by evangelistic ministry at a large university (the fun part), and that lovely, scenic, bus-ride back. Except that our trip that year involved a detour and change in plans.
Apparently the Lord also wanted us to minister at a truck stop in W. Memphis, Arkansas, because that’s where our 35 year old bus broke down. Given that it needed major work, we stayed at that truck stop for two days, and did see the Lord work there.
Still, I admit, I enjoyed our time in Mexico a lot more. Especially since that’s where the Lord did a radiance make-over demo on me.
On the campus, standing and praying with our group of 4 ladies (them seasoned veterans and me the “rookie”), one of them began to sing in a language I couldn’t understand. Then the others joined in—creating the most heavenly, harmonious sound I’ve ever heard, before or since.
For what seemed like time suspended, I basked in it, like a sun-bather taking in the rays. You could even say I was SON-bathing – or Holy-Spirit bathing.
When we returned from the campus for our evening debrief, the leader asked people to share testimonies. Not knowing how to share that experience, I kept quiet. Until he called on me, “Julie—you’re glowing. Please tell us what happened.”
I explained the best I could. He responded, “What you received is the ‘Shekinah Glory’.”
From my own, Jewish, background, I understood—it was just like what happened when Solomon dedicated the newly-completed the first Temple.
At that time, “the glory of the Lord filled the house. And the priests could not enter the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled the Lord’s house.” 2 Chron. 7:1-2
In other words, the Temple turned into the Radiance Warehouse!
As to individuals, the only one I’d ever heard of getting that was Moses, from having heart-to-heart conversation with the Lord.
So up until that moment, I didn’t dare think “ordinary” people like me could get that! Sure, someone like Moses could– he had taken direct dictation to write the Ten Commandments! But me? You? Anyone else these days, long since Bible-times happened?
Yes! But there’s only one supplier of “Radiance”. If we want the real deal, that actually works, we have to go to Him. And He’s not a vending machine or quick-order “one-click” online company. It takes, time, patience, and humility to gain access to Him and the wonder-working effects He offers.
It takes relationship. It takes heart-to-heart talks with the Lord.
No cheap imitations will work. No “knock-off” copy-products will get us the genuine results we’re looking for.
Here’s the genuine benefit and all we have to do to get it:
“…we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” 2 Cor. 3:18
That “glory” is the same radiance Moses got.
Even better, this makeup
isn’t about improving our own image, but about replacing it with HIS image in
Yes, it costs. And yes, the transformation involves a long-term process of gazing at His glory in order to reflect it. No make-up or skincare is “one and done”, especially not Radiance.
But the dramatic, positive, change in our countenance is worth every minute! Are you ready to give it a try?
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