“Be still…” – Ps. 46:10– In other words– “CEASE STRIVING!”
~Yes, it’s less than a week before Christmas.
~Yes, there’s Christmas cards to write and send, parties to plan and go to, choir rehearsals, last minute house-cleaning and decoration, helping out with stuff at church, getting ready to host or go visit family, and…
…let’s not forget any SHOPPING still left to do for gifts, food, anything (“anything?”)…
~Do you feel worn out just reading all this? Let alone thinking about DOING it?
~And what about any stuff I didn’t think to mention???!
How are we supposed to be still and cease striving in the midst of all this stuff swirling around out there and in our heads? Here’s some suggestions:
1. Focus on Jesus… oh yeah, the One whose birth-on-earth we’re supposed to be celebrating and doing all this for!
Isaiah 26:3 promises us—“You [the Lord] will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”
When I read that word “fixed on”, I think of totally and solidly attached—nothing can loosen or pry it off—no internal or external elements or force or draw can remove it.
–So, if our minds, our thoughts, are “fixed on” the Lord, with trust as the ultimate “super-natural glue”, no distractions, problems, potential causes for anxiety, etc., will make us leave go of God—and as a result, our peace will remain firmly in place. In fact, we will have PERFECT peace—as in total, nothing lacking, no-way-to-shake-it type peace!
2. Read on in Psalm 46:10—“Be still…and KNOW THAT I AM GOD…” Knowing and reminding ourselves of Who He is helps us calm our hearts and rest in Him, as we ponder His sovereignty and goodness.
—His sovereignty— He’s the one in charge, He’s the one responsible, He’s the one capable—of getting all that stuff done and getting it all done well. The weight that’s too heavy for us to carry is very light for Him.
—His goodness—He will take care of everything, in the best way, because He loves everyone involved—us and the others we’re striving to help.
–This doesn’t mean we sit back and expect Him to divinely write all our Christmas cards, clean our houses, make our choirs sing perfectly with no rehearsal, and drop gifts in our lap for our loved ones. But it does mean we have all the help we need!
3. Take another look at our to-do list—and decide what we DON’T HAVE TO DO! Are any of those things extra? Nice, but not necessary? Put them at the bottom of the list and only do them if we have time.
4. Do the good-sense things that help us relax: Exercise; Pace ourselves—schedule in margin; Get enough sleep; Eat right to stay healthy; Plan ahead so things don’t “attack” us by surprise. All of these will keep our energy up, our blood-pressure down, and our minds and bodies fit for action.
Take another deep breath. Enjoy– His—Presence.
Then, when we need, go do whatever we REALLY have to do– without being so frantic
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