Church hope of the worldWhat comes to mind when you think of the word hope?  We often use hope to express a wish such as, “I hope it won’t rain today?”   It is used to express a desire when there is a degree of uncertainty.

When the word hope is used in the Bible it conveys the idea of an expectation with confidence.  Theologian John Calvin  describes hope as an expression of faith, “For the word hope I take for faith; and indeed hope is nothing else but the constancy of faith.”

Faith and hope are closely aligned.  Faith often describes a rational sense of certitude whereas hope conveys an emotional sense of a confident expectation.  This is evident as we look at hope in the Bible.  Psalm 42:5 is such an example,

Why are you in despair, O my soul?  And why have you become disturbed within me?  Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him
For the help of His presence.

Faith is our confidence in the Word of God and hope is that aspect of faith that focuses on the future.  In biblical usage, when faith is directed to the future, it is often described as hope.   Hope may be thought of faith in the future tense.  Faith is a rational component that looks includes the past and the present whereas hope is a desire directed toward the future.

Is your life characterized by hope?   The Apostle Peter exhorts the recipients of his letter to give a reason for the hope that is in them,

but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;  (1 Peter 3:15)

The church is to demonstrate hope to the world around us.  I heard Bill Hybels describe a chilling scene as he saw a brutal fight between two young boys as he was waiting to board an airplane.  As he thought about the future of these two young boys he wondered what would change the trajectory of their lives to keep them from a life of destruction?

Education does not solve the problem, eradicating poverty does not end violence, and even government cannot touch the problem because it’s a matter of the heart.  Only a local church that is a healing community can make a difference.  Hybels states,  “The local church is the hope of the world, and its future rests primarily in the hands of its leaders.”


If the local church is the means through which Jesus is proclaiming His salvation to the world, then we need to reach our full redemptive potential to mobilize our people to take the message of life to a hurting world.  Each of us must see the vital role we play in the church.  Do you really believe that the church is the hope of the world?

Don’t miss your part as we bring the message of hope through Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.


RickAssociate Pastor – Discipleship.  The Church at LifePark

Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University

Follow me on twitter:  rickhiggins5