Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Zoom Away From Anxiety

Last weekend my husband and I took a trip to visit family near Chicago. As we began our descent into O’Hare airport, the “Windy City” welcomed us with enough turbulence to make us feel like we were flying in a… Continue Reading →

Examine Your “Water” Source

A few days ago, we discovered a leak—not that we saw where it was coming from, but due to the resulting water spreading on our kitchen floor from underneath the sink. After mopping it, we thought we were fine. Until… Continue Reading →

How to Describe Rest

If it’s not stressful, it can be restful. In our growing awareness of the need for self-care, even workaholics are starting to recognize the adverse effects of not getting enough rest. The only problem is, how? Those who’ve reached the… Continue Reading →

It’s Hard to Hide an Elephant

By now, most of us have heard the term “Emotional Regulation”. As believers, we call it “emotional self-control”. We also know it as: Not freaking out; getting a hold of ourselves; keeping it together; not losing it; not blowing up;… Continue Reading →

Choosing Wisely

Recently a new friend shared with me how she wondered if she was being too picky—both with who to hire for a position under her, and who to date as a possible husband. “My sister says my list of requirements… Continue Reading →

Time to Start Doing the Right Thing

“I have a question. If we accidentally, do it the wrong way the first time, should we continue doing it wrong the rest of the times?” This question was posed to me, the worship leader, by a team member during… Continue Reading →

Using the Best AI

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, [or that of artificial intelligence]. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.” Prov. 3:5-6, (bracketed part my addition)… Continue Reading →

Is It An Emergency?

Some people like to work in “emergency mode”. They feel like it makes them more productive, with adrenalin flowing to make them act quicker and work harder. Leaders will often declare and maintain a “state of emergency” to keep their… Continue Reading →

What Are We Hiding and Why?

People can swallow all kinds of stuff if it’s buried well enough.   This can work for good or evil, depending on what we’re burying.   For example, liver provides a lot of nutrition to our bodies, but with a… Continue Reading →

Finding the golden mean

Many people find it easier to go to a consistent extreme than to remain at the center of biblical tension. In the book of Proverbs we’re introduced to an individual named Agur whose name means gatherer. Perhaps he was a… Continue Reading →

The Wrong Way to Demonstrate God’s Grace

Recently we were talking with a new believer friend who feels like it’s ok to keep sinning, because we’re only human, and God understands. He was looking for a way out of having to change certain things in his lifestyle…. Continue Reading →

Part by Part

Have you ever tried to do something all at once, thinking it would be faster that way, and failed? If we haven’t discovered it already, we’ll discover that in many cases, it can be faster and more efficient to do… Continue Reading →

Vibes and Discernment

Recently, while out on a walk in the park with our dog Trooper, we encountered a guy and his dog approaching us, a short distance away. Immediately my husband, given the appearance of both dog and man, started pulling Trooper… Continue Reading →

Doing Worthy Work

A good work ethic requires more than duct tape and rubber bands.   Recently a friend shared with me his ongoing problems with an underperformer on the team he manages. In order to meet deadlines, instead of working more diligently,… Continue Reading →

Keep Developing

Minds are like cars—when kept in neutral, they’ll always roll backwards, downhill.   You’ve likely heard the adage, “Use it or lose it”. Whether it’s our physical muscles or brain “muscles”, they naturally atrophy from lack of exercise. To make… Continue Reading →

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