The word “discipline” evokes images of sitting in a corner facing a wall or being sent to an isolated place for a “time out”, or being “grounded”, or a spanking, or worse, accompanied by a thorough rebuke so you’d know… Continue Reading →
A couple years ago, I had to rescue our dog Trooper from a brambly bush he’d gotten himself entangled in, leash and all. He’d yanked himself free from my hold to go chase a rabbit down a hill only animals,… Continue Reading →
When I think about how culture views humanity, the first thing that comes to mind is conditional value. For those who believe we’re just a chance conglomeration of molecules, brought about by evolution, human life has no intrinsic value. Everyone… Continue Reading →
As I was watching our sweet dog Trooper try and fail to catch a rabbit in our yard, I thought, “I’m glad he didn’t catch it!” A hunter might want their dog to catch animals, but I don’t. My delight… Continue Reading →
What is hope? Some would answer it relates to something you want to happen, a desire for something you consider good. Such as, “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, so we can still have our picnic.” Or, “I hope I… Continue Reading →
Some years ago, a reporter in Afghanistan asked a young woman how she felt about always having to walk a few paces behind her husband. She replied, “Oh, I’m glad to. There are so many mines hidden in the ground… Continue Reading →
Last week marked eight years since the homegoing to heaven of my beloved adopted Christian mom, “Mom G.” I had been thinking of her a lot and missing her, when the Lord did something very special— He arranged for me to… Continue Reading →
Christians encounter a variety challenges every day. We are keenly aware that the way of the world is antithetical to God and His ways. We are also painfully aware of our weakness to overcome our fleshly desires. But do we… Continue Reading →
Recently we were talking with a new believer friend who feels like it’s ok to keep sinning, because we’re only human, and God understands. He was looking for a way out of having to change certain things in his lifestyle…. Continue Reading →
There are a number of people who have a conflicted relationship with God’s Law. We know it’s important to follow God’s Law, but we also acknowledge that it can be difficult at times. We believe that if we keep God’s… Continue Reading →
There are a number of assumptions that people have concerning their spiritual status. Some people may have an assurance of their salvation whereas others may struggle with assurance. There is a group of people who think they are Christians, but… Continue Reading →
“The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way.” Jn. 4:50 Here is something we learned from buying a used car last year that had hidden problems and took five attempts to fix:… Continue Reading →
Some Christians hope that they are good enough to have eternal life. The Apostle John addressed this concern and taught that we can know that we have eternal life. He explained the basis on our salvation: And the testimony is… Continue Reading →
Popular advice often enjoins us follow our heart. In the Scriptures, the heart often refers to one’s inner person encompassing our thoughts, feelings, and volition. The desire of our heart may be reliable (Psalm 37:4) or our heart may lead… Continue Reading →
God has outlined standards for His people in the first five books of the Bible known as the Torah. These books describe how sinful mankind may have a relationship with a holy God. Moses summarized what God requires of His… Continue Reading →
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