Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Don’t Let the Dirty Dishes Pile Up

We know how it happens.  First we eat.  Which dirties the dishes, tableware, and any pots or pans used to make the meal.  Then we put them all in the sink.  Since we’re in a hurry—to go somewhere, get something… Continue Reading →

Meeting for the First Time

Think about this:  Sometimes we need to treat people like we’re meeting them for the first time, because in a way, we are. But what about the people we’ve known for a long time, or even met before?  Doesn’t that… Continue Reading →

Love Makes the Best of the Mess

  “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Pet.4:8)   Last week, while my husband was at work, I left our dog out in the yard longer than I should have.  Long enough… Continue Reading →

A Chinese Buffet and the God of Countless Chances

“You mean you actually GO there?!”, a friend asked incredulously.  (A group of us were eating and talking over dinner at our annual New Year’s Eve get-together.  Some folks were talking about restaurants and I mentioned we liked a nearby… Continue Reading →

Harmonious Blend

“Live in harmony with each other.  Do not be proud… Do not be conceited.” (Rom. 12:16 Last week a good friend, D., came over, who happens to be an opera-singer quality soprano that has blessed many, including me, with her… Continue Reading →

For a Life That’s Super-Duper, Expect Sometimes to Use the Scooper!

…especially if you have a dog named Trooper—which we do!  Yesterday, as we were playing together in our yard, I was thanking the Lord for a day warm and dry enough to play there.  The “minefield” gave silent and smelly… Continue Reading →

The Equation of Influence

Influence.  Some people define leadership this way.  All of us desire more of it.  Search Google and we’ll find lists of “the 10/20/50/… most influential… (books, movies, people…)”.  Why does influence matter so much?  Because we want to matter!  We… Continue Reading →

The High Cost of Miscommunication—Part 2: Repair and Maintenance

In the previous post, we looked at how miscommunication can wreck our relationships. Here, we’re going to consider how to reverse the downward spiral of offense and disengagement by restoring (or establishing) accurate and positive-outcome communication: First, begin with mutual… Continue Reading →

The High Cost of Miscommunication

“Ka-buck, ka-buck, ka-buck…”, our car complained and lurched as my husband tried to accelerate and couldn’t.  “Hey, I’ve got my foot to the floor on the accelerator and it won’t speed up!”, he exclaimed.  “Maybe it’s just cold.  It’s freezing… Continue Reading →

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