When we face a decision that is between good and evil we know what we should do (although we may not always want to do it). Our challenge is how do we decide when the choice is not black or… Continue Reading →
Life is filled with trade-offs. Solomon presented an agricultural metaphor instructing us that if you seek to increase productivity, there may be a trade-off: Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of… Continue Reading →
Many people view success as worldly fame and prosperity. We can become so focused on outward signs of success that we lose sight of what’s really important. Jesus highlighted this problem when an individual asked Jesus to solve a family… Continue Reading →
The seemingly small decisions you make in your life set the trajectory for all that will follow. Jesus taught that those who are faithful in little things will be faithful in much (Luke 16:10). Daniel was a teenager who was… Continue Reading →
People genuinely desire to make a significant contribution in the world. Our typical strategy is to be better, do more, and try harder. These are helpful strategies, but they are incomplete. The Apostle James tells that we can bring about… Continue Reading →
All of us have experienced situations that didn’t go as we had hoped. This was the situation the nation of Israel faced as they returned to their homeland from captivity. The prophet Haggai described their painful situation, You have sown… Continue Reading →
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, preach the word? You may picture an individual holding an open Bible speaking to a congregation. That is included in the meaning, but the word, preach, is not limited to formal… Continue Reading →
One simple way to determine the location of your treasure is to look at your calendar and your credit card statement. Your calendar reflects how you spend your time and your credit card statement reveals how you spend your money…. Continue Reading →
A minimalist does not have the least number of things, but the optimal number of things. Some people view minimalism as an ascetic practice. Minimalism is the intentional focus on what we value most and the removal of that which… Continue Reading →
When I was a child, when December 1st appeared on the calendar I looked with great anticipation toward Christmas day. The days preceding Christmas seemed to move so slowly. I told my grandmother, “I can’t wait for Christmas.” My grandmother… Continue Reading →
A few days ago I made a “scientific” discovery: The rate of change and/or forward movement is directly related to the level of motivation. While this may not qualify as a law of physics, it does apply to human and… Continue Reading →
What are some of your goals in life? You may have a variety of goals: professional goals, educational goals, or financial goals. Many of our goals focus on what we can do or achieve, but how many of our goals are… Continue Reading →
“…Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress…” – Ps.107 For most of our walk, our 45lb. puppy, Trooper, had been calm, just chillin’ with his human “mom”—that is, until he… Continue Reading →
Life has a way of causing secondary issues to capture our attention. If you’re not careful, the various competing demands can cause you to lose sight of what is ultimately important. A Jewish scribe heard Jesus responding with great wisdom to… Continue Reading →
When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. Erasmus, 16th century scholar I can identify with Erasmus. The associated picture is one of the walls of my personal library…. Continue Reading →
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