We have a tendency to practice the outward manifestations of godliness rather than take the effort to make the internal heart changes that lead to godliness. This was one of the reasons why Jesus castigated the Pharisees. They appeared godly… Continue Reading →
Many, maybe most of us, have had Covid by now. I’ve just recovered from it, and thought I’d share some lessons I hope will resonate with and encourage you: The difference between sympathy, empathy, and identification—Sympathy is feeling sorry or… Continue Reading →
What are the distinguishing characteristics of love? We may have a tendency to emphasize the emotional aspects of love to the detriment of commitment and follow through. The Greek language reveals the paucity of the English language to express the… Continue Reading →
As I sit here 10 days after returning from our last trip and a week after coming down with Covid, I have plenty of time to reflect on it all—an entire month of going, coming, and preparing to go again…. Continue Reading →
Temptation is an inevitable consequence of living in a fallen world. What is your strategy for overcoming temptation? Oscar Wilde quipped, “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.” If that is our strategy,… Continue Reading →
Many people envision an idealized life of balancing life’s various demands of life, work, family, etc. We often desire to devote maximum effort to each area all of the time. The result is we end up frustrated feeling that we… Continue Reading →
When we hear the word prodigal, our minds often go to the prodigal son who wasted his inheritance in profligate living. We tend to view the word prodigal pejoratively, but the definition refers to one who is recklessly extravagant or… Continue Reading →
When we are leaving special friends, for what may be the last time, we want to impart our concern for them. That was the Apostle Paul’s desire as he was departing from the elders of the church at Ephesus. As… Continue Reading →
When someone lets you down, let the Lord pick you up! People disappoint us by… Not keeping their promises—Have you ever had someone promise to do something or be somewhere for you and then not done it or not shown… Continue Reading →
You may have experienced a situation in which you started out well, but then you grew complacent only to discover that you’ve lost focus and have gotten off track. It’s important to have a good start, but it’s more important… Continue Reading →
People have a tendency to cling to their concept of God rather than a humble acknowledgment that God is greater than our finite understanding of Him. God is omniscient and He is sovereignly working all things in accordance with His… Continue Reading →
There is currently a great deal of social turmoil in America in response the recent Supreme Court ruling. I do not like to get caught up in the drama of identity politics, but as a Christian, I seek to follow… Continue Reading →
What are the characteristics of an effective spiritual leader? As the Apostle Paul concluded his letter to the Corinthians, he painted a cogent and concise portrait of the type of person God uses to lead His people: Be… Continue Reading →
“There is a way that seems right to a [person] but its end is the way to death.” Prov.14:12 Last week our family visited a sea turtle conservation center, where they bring rescued sea turtles for rehabilitation and treatment to… Continue Reading →
What is your response when the outcome to your prayers isn’t what you expected? God answers our prayers, but it may not be the answer that we desire. The Apostle Paul faced this situation as he prayed that God would… Continue Reading →
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