Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Breakfast of Champions

Several people have asked me what I have for breakfast. One of my favorites is a bowl of oatmeal. I have a number of healthy additions because many of us have been harmed by the Standard American Diet (SAD). Here… Continue Reading →

What’s in a name?

We often associate a person’s actions or character with their name. Barnabas was such an example. He was an individual who encouraged those he met.  We are introduced to Barnabas in the book of Acts: Now Joseph, a Levite of… Continue Reading →

A fresh perspective when facing difficult situations

When we consider the challenges that we are facing, it may seem hopeless at times. The prophet Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because he faced such difficult circumstances. He was in prison because he was obedient to God… Continue Reading →

A Better Alternative to Multitasking

“Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.” Col. 4:5 Have you ever felt like you had so much more to do than time to do it? In other words, overwhelmed? Or perhaps I should ask… Continue Reading →

Fear not – for I am with you!

What causes you to be fearful? We may encounter health issues, financial problems, relational difficulties, or natural disasters. The disciples were with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee and became fearful when a storm assailed their small boat. Fear is… Continue Reading →

Are you faithful in the little things?

Our faithfulness in dealing with the little things in life is an indication of how we may handle the large and important matters of life. Jesus told a parable about an unrighteous steward and his master praised him because he… Continue Reading →

Getting Out of Debt

Those who pile up debt are living on borrowed time! Most people don’t realize this, or they wouldn’t let it pile up.   The first thing that comes to mind here is money, although it applies to other areas as… Continue Reading →

A healthy dependence

An advantage to being inexperienced is that we know that we need help. That was the situation that Uzziah experienced as he was made king at the age of sixteen. He was facing a task that was beyond his ken… Continue Reading →

The Lord is with you – when you are with Him

As we go about our various duties, we pray for God’s presence to direct our efforts. The prophet, Azariah, gave King Asa guidance how he could experience God’s presence in his life: and he went out to meet Asa and… Continue Reading →

It Doesn’t Hurt to Try

You can’t hit a homer without swinging the bat! We’ll always have a better chance of succeeding if we try than if we don’t. This seems so obvious once we state it or see it in writing! Yet, as a… Continue Reading →

Do not love the world

As Christians we are called to be in the world, but we are not to be caught up in the way of the world. Jesus did not pray that His disciples would be delivered from the world, but for their… Continue Reading →

Sunday’s sermon in 10 tweets

Our sermon on Sunday examined what it means to experience God in your heart. We looked at the life of Solomon and how his heart was drawn away to serve other gods. In what ways are we losing our heart… Continue Reading →

Our eyes are on you

Life will present situations that may seem overwhelming. As we seek to figure out a solution to our dilemma, we may become frustrated and spiral down in despair. There is an example of a king in the Old Testament who… Continue Reading →

Good News About Forever

We just celebrated Easter. A holiday that reminds us that now is not forever. It may feel like forever, especially when we’re going through a hard time. Or a long wait. Or a time of grief and sorrow. We can… Continue Reading →

The importance of knowing and doing

Knowledge is not enough. We can know the right action and yet fail to follow through. We face resistance from the world, our fleshly desires, and our enemy, the devil. As we consider the kings of the Old Testament, a… Continue Reading →

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