Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Is It An Emergency?

Some people like to work in “emergency mode”. They feel like it makes them more productive, with adrenalin flowing to make them act quicker and work harder. Leaders will often declare and maintain a “state of emergency” to keep their… Continue Reading →

Know your enemy

Christians encounter a variety challenges every day. We are keenly aware that the way of the world is antithetical to God and His ways. We are also painfully aware of our weakness to overcome our fleshly desires. But do we… Continue Reading →

Consolation for your soul

Where do you find relief from anxious thoughts? The Psalmist was facing oppression from others and the pressure that he was facing was mounting. As he was seeking to follow God while facing grief and sorrow, he pondered why the… Continue Reading →

Searching Versus Shopping

To get what you really need, instead of what you don’t need, search, don’t shop.   A friend recently told me about how whenever he goes on the internet to research something, he gets distracted and ends up clicking on… Continue Reading →

Finding the golden mean

Many people find it easier to go to a consistent extreme than to remain at the center of biblical tension. In the book of Proverbs we’re introduced to an individual named Agur whose name means gatherer. Perhaps he was a… Continue Reading →

Saved from trouble

What emotions do you experience after enduring a difficult and potentially life-threatening situation? After the initial shock wears off, we may feel a sense of relief and gratitude toward God’s gracious deliverance. Psalm 107 reveals the thankfulness of those who… Continue Reading →

Trekking His Trails

My husband and I love to hike. The more trees and trails the better. For me it’s especially fun to explore new turnoff-trails as they appear.  “Look, another trail! Let’s see where it leads!” For those who, unlike me, consider… Continue Reading →

Do you ever struggle to do the right thing?

There are times when we know what we should do, but we struggle to follow through. The Apostle Paul confessed his struggles between his desire to do what is right and the frustration he experienced in his lack of follow… Continue Reading →

Learning through adversity

We do not enjoy seasons of suffering, but there are certain lessons that can only be learned as we traverse the crucible of adversity. As Job interacted with his friends regarding the reasons for his tribulations, we read his brief… Continue Reading →

Are you a follower of Jesus?

There are a number of assumptions that people have concerning their spiritual status. Some people may have an assurance of their salvation whereas others may struggle with assurance. There is a group of people who think they are Christians, but… Continue Reading →

Who are the people who are blessed?

The emphasis of the world is often upon wealth, power, and position. The independent, self-reliant and self-confident individual is often held in high esteem. Jesus’ sermon on the mount was an antithesis to the way of the world and challenged… Continue Reading →

Taking Him At His Word

“The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way.” Jn. 4:50   Here is something we learned from buying a used car last year that had hidden problems and took five attempts to fix:… Continue Reading →

Are you burdened by anxiety?

As we journey through life, we’ll face circumstances that may cause us anxiety. Anxiety can cause us to catastrophize the situation and then we find ourselves in a downward spiral. We should not borrow trouble from tomorrow because many of… Continue Reading →

The way up is down

The disciples of John the Baptist were concerned that more people were starting to follow Jesus instead of John: And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you… Continue Reading →

On Taking Breaks

You can’t drive in a nail without lifting up the hammer. Productivity depends on taking breaks. Granted, if the hammer stays up the nail will never get driven in. And if we don’t get back to work, the work won’t… Continue Reading →

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