Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



The Process of Emotional Health

Few of us, especially in leadership, want to be out of control when it comes to our emotions. Losing our cool isn’t cool, and could make us lose others’ respect, acceptance in a group, and/or our job. Everyone likes and… Continue Reading →

Grow To Go

We can only go as far as we’re willing to grow. Why?   Going means movement. Unless someone is dragging, pushing, or forcing us, that movement involves our initiative and stepping out in some way. This requires growth in our… Continue Reading →

Is It An Emergency?

Some people like to work in “emergency mode”. They feel like it makes them more productive, with adrenalin flowing to make them act quicker and work harder. Leaders will often declare and maintain a “state of emergency” to keep their… Continue Reading →

What Are We Hiding and Why?

People can swallow all kinds of stuff if it’s buried well enough.   This can work for good or evil, depending on what we’re burying.   For example, liver provides a lot of nutrition to our bodies, but with a… Continue Reading →

How To Get Out of the Mess

Hint: What got us into whatever mess we’re in won’t get us out of it.   There’s a lot we can do to get ourselves in trouble, bad circumstances, and/or psychological distress. Anger/aggression, dishonesty, disloyalty, lack of self-control, irresponsibility, laziness,… Continue Reading →

It Doesn’t Have to Continue

How many times have we heard, or even said, “It is what it is”? That’s fatalism. That’s thinking there’s no way to change our circumstances, ourselves, or even our future—so why try? Good news—it doesn’t have to stay that way!… Continue Reading →

When the Shoe Doesn’t Fit

…don’t wear it! Remember when we were kids and put on our parents’ shoes and tried to walk around in them? The high heels were the worst (if you tried them)! They were so hard to move anywhere in, it… Continue Reading →

Detoxifying the Atmosphere

Everyone knows that toxic leaders ruin an organization. Ball hogs and junkyard dogs are bad enough on a team but put them in leadership and they’ll “run off” all the true service animals!   What does that leave an organization… Continue Reading →

Position Doesn’t Equal Value

The stone on top of the stack isn’t the biggest or best one. Nor is it necessarily the most beautiful. In fact, it’s there because of the bigger ones supporting it underneath. Likewise, a higher position doesn’t equal a superior… Continue Reading →

At The End of the Day

At the end of the day, there has to be an end of the day.   In other words, know when it’s time to stop working. Set boundaries around your time. Work won’t stop, but we can.   But how… Continue Reading →

Choose the oxen!

It’s appealing to desire a life of comfort and ease. When life is simple and uncomplicated we can relax and take it easy. We need to have times of rest and be still and know that He is God. The… Continue Reading →

What to Do When

Those who know what to do when, and when to do what, will never have trouble with time management.   Have you ever wondered what to do next, or what to do with those time-gaps between appointments and obligations? Any… Continue Reading →

Finding Angels in the Details

You’ve heard it said, “The devil is in the details”, but we can find angels there too.   For non-detail-oriented people, details can seem boring, too much bother, and a bit superfluous. It’s true, over-attention to miniscule details does overcomplicate… Continue Reading →

Broadening the Range For Better Teams

The broader the range, the better the team, given good blending. Consider a choir, for example. What if it only had basses, or tenors, or altos, or sopranos, or something in the middle with only a one-octave range of voices?… Continue Reading →

How To Avoid Unhealthy Competition

Not everyone enjoys competition. Some, like me and maybe you, would prefer a world where we don’t have to compete to succeed. Or, maybe we’d like a family member, colleague, or friend to realize they don’t have to compete to… Continue Reading →

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