Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



For a Life That’s Super-Duper, Expect Sometimes to Use the Scooper!

…especially if you have a dog named Trooper—which we do!  Yesterday, as we were playing together in our yard, I was thanking the Lord for a day warm and dry enough to play there.  The “minefield” gave silent and smelly… Continue Reading →

We Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!

Who doesn’t love to celebrate a birthday?  A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated the birthdays of a guy and girl in our youth group.   In preparation, the birthday girl started to bake a cake for everyone, which some of… Continue Reading →

The High Cost of Miscommunication—Part 2: Repair and Maintenance

In the previous post, we looked at how miscommunication can wreck our relationships. Here, we’re going to consider how to reverse the downward spiral of offense and disengagement by restoring (or establishing) accurate and positive-outcome communication: First, begin with mutual… Continue Reading →

The High Cost of Miscommunication

“Ka-buck, ka-buck, ka-buck…”, our car complained and lurched as my husband tried to accelerate and couldn’t.  “Hey, I’ve got my foot to the floor on the accelerator and it won’t speed up!”, he exclaimed.  “Maybe it’s just cold.  It’s freezing… Continue Reading →

What We Don’t Know May Hurt Us

Have you ever heard the expression, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you”?  Or, “Ignorance is bliss”?  Whoever says that is either unaware of, or choosing to ignore, hidden destructive elements in life.  Take carbon monoxide gas, for example—we can’t… Continue Reading →

The perfection of imperfection

Have you ever felt frustrated that you fall short of your expectations? You may have thought “If only I were (fill in the blank: thinner, richer, stronger, smarter, popular, etc.). But what if your life was as it should be?… Continue Reading →

How Much Do You Want It?

A few days ago I made a “scientific” discovery:  The rate of change and/or forward movement is directly related to the level of motivation.  While this may not qualify as a law of physics, it does apply to human and… Continue Reading →

Your greatest goal

What are some of your goals in life? You may have a variety of goals: professional goals, educational goals, or financial goals. Many of our goals focus on what we can do or achieve, but how many of our goals are… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

We looked at how you can effectively run the race of life from Philippians 3:7-14 today, 1. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind. Seneca 2. If you don’t… Continue Reading →

“Better Stinky Socks Than A Stinky Soul”

…quipped a sweet girl in our youth group.  “Danielle, that’s great!  True wisdom!  Is it okay to quote you on this?”  We had just returned from a heap of fun, perspiration-producing outdoor activities that had left an odorous legacy on… Continue Reading →

Lessons Gleaned From a Youth Retreat

A few days ago, Tom and I and a young assistant led a group of 15 youth from our church at a weekend youth retreat.  We joined about a hundred other youth, their leaders, and staff at a nearby camp… Continue Reading →

Don’t Leave Your Royal Robes Hanging in the Closet!

Few monarchies remain in the world, yet royalty never fails to intrigue us.  Fairy tales, books, movies, modern media news on royal family members, feed our fascination and create dreams in the hearts of children and adults alike. What if… Continue Reading →

Rocks, Rapids, and Rewards

“Man, this trip would be a whole lot easier without so many rocks!”, quipped one member of our raft.  To which I replied, “Yeah, but then it wouldn’t be as fun.  We need the rocks to make it interesting!” Our… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

No one was ever wise by chance. Seneca Every day we are surrounded by countless opportunities to acquire wisdom – if we have eyes to see and learn. Seneca teaches us that with the right attitude and disciplined intentionality you… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

1. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11) 2. The road of discipline leads to a rewarding destination…. Continue Reading →

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