Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Expectant Hope in These Covid-Christmas Times

What is hope?  Some would answer it relates to something you want to happen, a desire for something you consider good.  Such as, “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, so we can still have our picnic.”  Or, “I hope I… Continue Reading →

The Advent-ure of Change

ADVENT — This is the season– as we relive the anticipation of God actually coming in human likeness (Phil. 2:5-8), let’s ponder what that means— Everything was about to CHANGE! Why? Because Someone was COMING to change it all! The… Continue Reading →

How to Be Thankful In a Year Full of Trials

2020—The year people joke about, cry about, post derogatory memes about, and say they can’t wait ‘til it’s over.  As though things magically change when the year does.  As though it was this year’s fault the pandemic, protests, planetary disasters,… Continue Reading →

Thankful For Zero

With Thanksgiving holiday coming up, here’s a way to get in the mood and even keep it after that one day– the “Alphabet Thanking Game”.  As easy as “ABC”, it goes like this:  For every letter, think of something to… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

We started a new sermon series today looking at the challenges that Joseph faced as God prepared him to fulfill his dreams of destiny. Joseph prospered because the Lord was with him. Do you know that the Lord is with… Continue Reading →

Disarming Discouragement

Have you ever felt discouraged?  If not, stop reading this.  But my guess is, you have—especially since the global Covid pandemic started.  since you’ve been alive long enough to be able to read, you’ve felt discouraged!  We all have. It’s… Continue Reading →

How to Respond to Fear

People have many reasons to feel afraid these days—and if they can’t think of one, the media will surely help them find one!  Or, I could mention some here, but my guess is you already know them, and none of… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

We looked at Psalm 145 today and this is one of the last Psalms attributed to David. This is an acrostic Psalm in which we move into the rarefied air of heaven and gain an accurate view of God. Our… Continue Reading →

Purpose in the Parentheses

In my Bible reading Friday morning, I read something placed in parentheses that really stood out as significant: “…Shimri the chief (for though he was not the first-born, his father made him chief)…” 1 Chron. 26:10 It’s easy to overlook… Continue Reading →

It Pays to Persist

You’ve probably heard this saying, “It pays to persist.”  I would agree, but also add two conditions to make this completely true:  1)If done in the right way;  2)If done for the right reasons. Let’s first look at why many… Continue Reading →

Peace That Passes Understanding

“I don’t understand how a black cow can eat green grass and give white milk, but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying ice cream!”– Vance Havner If you’re like me, you want to understand everything. That’s ok. The Lord made… Continue Reading →

Hope in Him

Who can live without hope?  No one.  That said, what kind of hope gives us the best life?  There’s many kinds of hope out there. For example, there’s the unrealistic-wishful-thinking type of hope—such as “I hope I get good grades… Continue Reading →

What Can I Do to Help?

Hopefully we’ve asked that question before. These days, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, we’re probably all asking it. For some of us, the answer comes easily.  Anyone involved in healthcare doesn’t even have to ask!  Google—the search-engine… Continue Reading →

Sunday’s sermon in 10 tweets

This week at LifePark we started a new series entitled “Overcoming adversity”, this is especially apropos considering our current situation with the coronavirus. Our passage was Jesus’ teaching on overcoming worry, Matthew 6:25-34 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not… Continue Reading →

How to Make the Best of It—Covid 19

Who would have thought that the whole world could have one thing in common to talk about, let alone agree, when people meet? Or that one thing could cause the whole world to work in harmony for a common cause?… Continue Reading →

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