Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Rick Higgins

The blessings of keeping God’s law

What happens when people do not hear a word from God? When people stop listening to God, they drift into the baser levels of their nature and decide to do what is right in their own eyes. This was the… Continue Reading →

The believer’s destiny

When we go through difficult times we can become discouraged if we believe that this life is all there is. We may question, “What is the purpose of life?” When we have an eternal perspective however, it enables us to… Continue Reading →

Are you an overcomer?

We face a myriad of challenges in this world. We can face these situations with confidence, knowing that God enables us to walk in victory. When you are seeking to  follow God, you may feel like a salmon swimming upstream…. Continue Reading →

A tree is known by its fruit

How do we know what’s in an individual’s heart? As Jesus was ascending in popularity, there was also increasing opposition toward Him from the religious leaders. Jesus presented an axiomatic truth to the Pharisees: Either assume the tree to be… Continue Reading →

Get out of the boat

Comfort zones are aptly named because they create a psychological state that provides freedom from stress and anxiety. If we are to experience significant growth however, then we must step outside of our comfort zone. The Apostle Peter experienced both… Continue Reading →

Fully accepted

We may find it difficult to accept ourselves because we are keenly aware of our inner fears, failures, and frustrations. We may think that if people knew the real me then they would not accept me. This can lead to… Continue Reading →

Overcoming opposition

Challenges and opposition from others are a fact of life that we will inevitably encounter. Nehemiah was seeking to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, but he faced significant opposition. We must realize that opposition can be a help to us;… Continue Reading →

Do you see Jesus?

Students of the Bible refer to a scarlet thread of redemption that runs through the Old and New Testament. Jesus declared this truth as He spoke to the Jewish people: For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for… Continue Reading →

A delightful dilemma

A dilemma is often described as a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more, usually undesirable, alternatives. You could say the Apostle Paul was facing a dilemma, his alternatives were Roman imprisonment or… Continue Reading →

Do you understand the Lord’s timing?

We may have a tendency to become discouraged if events don’t occur according to our timetable. We must realize that God orders our stops as well as our steps. God’s timing is perfect, He is not too early and He… Continue Reading →

Showdown on the mountain

Tolerance is a virtue that can be taken to an extreme. We can become so accommodating that we may find ourselves dining with the devil. Gilbert K. Chesterton declared, “Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” The nation… Continue Reading →

Breakfast of Champions

Several people have asked me what I have for breakfast. One of my favorites is a bowl of oatmeal. I have a number of healthy additions because many of us have been harmed by the Standard American Diet (SAD). Here… Continue Reading →

What’s in a name?

We often associate a person’s actions or character with their name. Barnabas was such an example. He was an individual who encouraged those he met.  We are introduced to Barnabas in the book of Acts: Now Joseph, a Levite of… Continue Reading →

A fresh perspective when facing difficult situations

When we consider the challenges that we are facing, it may seem hopeless at times. The prophet Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because he faced such difficult circumstances. He was in prison because he was obedient to God… Continue Reading →

Fear not – for I am with you!

What causes you to be fearful? We may encounter health issues, financial problems, relational difficulties, or natural disasters. The disciples were with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee and became fearful when a storm assailed their small boat. Fear is… Continue Reading →

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