Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



The promise of a new heart

All of us have had the experience of dealing with hard-hearted people and it’s often not a pleasant experience. There are times when we may act hard-hearted and cause difficulty for others. The nation of Israel had become hard-hearted toward… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in ten tweets

We kicked off our new sermon series today entitled “Getting back on track”. Getting back on track starts with guarding your heart. 1. “Be true to the quest at any cost, stray from the path and you will be lost.”… Continue Reading →

What We Don’t Know Might Hurt Us

Have you ever heard the expression, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you”?  Or, “Ignorance is bliss”?  Whoever says that is either unaware of, or choosing to ignore, hidden destructive elements in life. Take carbon monoxide gas, for example—we can’t… Continue Reading →

Are your actions pleasing to God?

We have a tendency at times to depend upon our own strength and ingenuity and we fail to evaluate the situation from God’s perspective. King Asa is a classic example of someone who started out well, but became prideful and… Continue Reading →

How Clean is Your “Furnace”-Filter?

A dirty furnace-filter is like an unclean heart–> — Both of them cause nasty noises and are harmful to our health! 😟 We had this problem for a couple of months.  Every time the heat turned on, it sounded like a… Continue Reading →

What’s in your heart?

How do we know what’s in a person’s heart? Jesus taught His disciples that a tree is known by its fruit, For each tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do… Continue Reading →

Medicine for your soul

Many people desire to be happy, but how many people are experiencing genuine happiness? People often find happiness from their external circumstances. When life is going well they are happy, but when life does not go as they had hoped… Continue Reading →

The type of person God uses

Have you ever seen someone and thought, “It would be great if they were a Christian”? We often focus upon those characteristics that make a person successful. We consider the person’s talents and abilities. We look at their resume and… Continue Reading →

What is the condition of your heart?

What is the number one cause of death in the United States? Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. Currently, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds and every 60 seconds  someone in the United… Continue Reading →

Why most marriage therapy fails

The title of this blog post comes from a statement by relationship and marriage expert Dr. John Gottman. His research indicates that couples wait an average of six years of being unhappy before getting help. Couples have built up resentment for… Continue Reading →

How is your heart?

What disease is the number one cause of death in the United States?  Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds. Every 60 seconds, someone in… Continue Reading →

How is your heart?

I have a friend who was recently hospitalized because doctors suspected a serious heart condition.  Fortunately, a series of tests concluded that physically he was okay.  Just as you must watch over your physical heart, you must also monitor the… Continue Reading →

What Does God Want?

As you consider that question you may think “Since He is God there is nothing He needs.”  That is true, but is there anything God wants?  There is a common theme throughout the Bible, from Genesis to maps that reveals what God… Continue Reading →

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