Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Be who you are

We are greatly influenced by the world around us. The people, events, and circumstances in our lives are the building blocks that shape our identity. The way we see ourselves affects our behavior and our resultant attitude. The Apostle Paul… Continue Reading →

How to keep from stumbling

There are a number of reasons that cause people to lose their way spiritually. The book of Jude identifies some of the challenges the early church faced. Jude had originally planned to write to the church about their common salvation;… Continue Reading →

Where’d My Favorite Mountain Go?

Recently, I came across Jesus’ words, in Mat. 17:20:   “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will… Continue Reading →

Choose to believe God’s promises

Mary was a young teenage girl who was visited by a heavenly messenger bringing an amazing message. She would have a baby by the power of the Holy Spirit. She wondered how this could be, but the Angel responded: For… Continue Reading →

Help my unbelief

Discouragement is our typical response when our desires our unfulfilled. That was the situation a desperate father experienced when he brought his son to Jesus’ disciples to be delivered from an unclean spirit: and whenever it seizes him, it slams… Continue Reading →

Would Jesus entrust Himself to you?

What is your view of Jesus? The Apostle John recorded that many people believed in His name: Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was… Continue Reading →

Put out into the deep

Has Jesus ever asked you to do something that did not make sense to you? That was the situation that the Apostle Peter (Simon) experienced. He and his companions had fished all night and had caught nothing. They were tired… Continue Reading →

How to handle your doubts

All of us have experienced doubts in our lives. We want to believe, but in the back of our mind is a nagging doubt. You’re not alone – Jesus met a man who desperately wanted to believe, but he felt… Continue Reading →

Leaders Decide

The best leaders are those who decide to decide– and do it! If leaders don’t decide, followers have nothing to follow, which means the leader will no longer be leading. Indecision is a decision. If we don’t keep going, turn… Continue Reading →

The value of your faith

The challenges of life have a way of taking our focus away from God and onto our problems. Discouragement can cause us to lose hope Some people at the church at Corinth were starting to doubt the fact of the… Continue Reading →

Have you laid hold of the Master?

Many people have an understanding of who Jesus claimed to be and they may have a familiarity with His teaching, but how many have truly connected with Him? Jesus was traveling to the home of a synagogue official whose daughter… Continue Reading →

The Lord is in this place

As Jacob was leaving Canaan, he had an enigmatic dream of angels ascending and descending on a ladder reaching to heaven. The Lord delivered this amazing promise to him: Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.  Beverly Sills As we enter a new year we have the opportunity for a fresh start – a tabula rasa of new experiences. What’s preventing… Continue Reading →

Decide to Decide

Indecision is a decision. If we don’t keep going, turn left, turn right, or turn around– that means we’re staying stuck! Or someone ELSE will decide for us– which will be for THEIR best interests, not necessarily or often ours…. Continue Reading →

How to please God

Many sincere Christians have an earnest desire to please God. It’s essential that we live a life that is pleasing to God, but we need to ensure that we’re pleasing God the right way. Our good intentions may go astray… Continue Reading →

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