Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


2 Timothy 1

Are you in your right mind?

When we’re facing difficult and uncertain situations, our natural response may be fear and trepidation. Perhaps that’s how Timothy, the Apostle Paul’s protege in the faith, felt as he was facing a new and challenging assignment. Paul gave Timothy a… Continue Reading →

The key to overcoming fear

Think about some of the fears that you may have. Some of those fears include the fear of man, the unknown, rejection, flying, commitment, certain animals, abandonment, change, failure, success, confined spaces, open spaces, and the list goes on. One of… Continue Reading →

Do you have a sincere faith?

A sincere faith is a faith that is genuine and authentic. Our English word “authentic” comes from the Greek word authentikos and this word conveys the meaning of being genuine, trustworthy, reliable, and sincere. People with a sincere faith practice what they… Continue Reading →

Do you Know Your Spiritual Gifts?

Have you ever given someone a gift and then seen it ignored or even re-gifted?  When you give a gift to someone else your desire is to see that it is appreciated and it is disheartening to see your gift… Continue Reading →

What does it mean to fear God?

A cursory glance of the Bible reveals a number of admonitions against fear (one scholar has enumerated 366 commands not to fear).  So what does it mean to fear God?  The lack of understanding could be attributed to the limitations… Continue Reading →

Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty

Patriots Day in Boston is known as a day of festivities and celebration as the Sox are playing at Fenway and the world famous Boston Marathon is taking place.  The tragic bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon… Continue Reading →

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