PrayerAll of us are devoted to something – it may be a person, a product, or a cause.  I know someone who is devoted to Apple products.  He’ll buy anything that is new and shiny and says that it is made by Apple.  He commented that if Apple made a toilet he would buy it – can you imagine the itoilet (it would probably be expensive but I’m sure it would be a great experience).  You know this person is devoted to Apple because when Apple comes out with a new product he buys it.  How does a devoted follower of Jesus Christ act?   The Apostle Paul gives us a description of a devoted follower of Jesus as he writes,

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;  (Colossians 4:2)

The word devote literally means “to be strong towards, to endure in, or persevere in, to be continually steadfast with a person or thing.”  It is used of “continuing” in prayer with others, Acts 1:14, Romans 12:12, Colossians 4:2; in the Apostles’ teaching, Acts 2:42; in the Temple, Acts 2:46, and in prayer and ministry, Acts 6:4. (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).  As I read this description of a believer’s prayer life I ask myself, “Does this devotion characterize my prayer life?  Does my devotion to Jesus manifest itself in my prayer life?

This verse teaches us that we are to be faithful, watchful, and thankful in our prayer life.  Devotion comes when we realize that God is for us and wants to have a relationship with us.  Prayer is not something we “have to do” but something we get to do.  My blog post entitled “Early Mornings” reveals some of the benefits of prayer.  Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance but it is believing in a God who hears, answers, and even exceeds our prayers!  Is that your view of God?  


RickDr. Rick Higgins

Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University