Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Are You Ready?

Picture this scene (or perhaps this has happened in your home)—You’ve promised your child to take them somewhere they’ve always wanted to go, and now it’s time. They’re excited. They’ve been eagerly anticipating this promise fulfilled for what seems like… Continue Reading →

Living Into God’s Design For Us

Those who do what they’re designed for will always enjoy their work and find purpose and meaning therein. Show me someone who loves their job to the point of eagerness to do more and I’ll show you someone who’s doing… Continue Reading →

How to experience refreshment from the Lord

How do you experience times of refreshment? When we think about refreshment, it may bring to mind going swimming on a hot day summer day. Others may find refreshment from a novel and pleasurable experience. We may experience refreshment in… Continue Reading →

The consequences of an unwilling heart

God desires a relationship with His people, but we have a tendency to go our own way. The prophet Isaiah made this observation: All of us, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way;… Continue Reading →

Are you engaged in the battle?

Many people go through life oblivious to the various attacks against them. We struggle against the world, the devil, and our own fleshly desires. As the Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy, he warned him against a common struggle that… Continue Reading →

When sorrows like sea billows roll

What is your response when discouragement seems overwhelming? The more we think about the situation the greater our frustration grows until we may even despair of life. The great British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, declared, “There are dungeons beneath the castles… Continue Reading →

How To Respond When the Chips Are Down

Pick them up! Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes we make them go wrong by “blowing it”—either through neglect, making a mistake, or through lack of good character (aka sin). What do we do when that happens? Some natural responses include:… Continue Reading →

The believer’s destiny

When we go through difficult times we can become discouraged if we believe that this life is all there is. We may question, “What is the purpose of life?” When we have an eternal perspective however, it enables us to… Continue Reading →

Are you an overcomer?

We face a myriad of challenges in this world. We can face these situations with confidence, knowing that God enables us to walk in victory. When you are seeking to  follow God, you may feel like a salmon swimming upstream…. Continue Reading →

Holding On

A few months ago, while walking our dog, my husband and I noticed a tree branch hanging on to a telephone wire about twenty feet in the air. The branch, though small, had managed to straddle its two spindly legs… Continue Reading →

A tree is known by its fruit

How do we know what’s in an individual’s heart? As Jesus was ascending in popularity, there was also increasing opposition toward Him from the religious leaders. Jesus presented an axiomatic truth to the Pharisees: Either assume the tree to be… Continue Reading →

Lifelong Learning

We don’t (or shouldn’t) stop learning when we get old, we get “old” when we stop learning. That’s why wise people keep learning: “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” Prov. 1:5… Continue Reading →

Fully accepted

We may find it difficult to accept ourselves because we are keenly aware of our inner fears, failures, and frustrations. We may think that if people knew the real me then they would not accept me. This can lead to… Continue Reading →

What Matters Most

Matters matter, but our responses matter more and longer. Yes, what happens to us matters. Getting hired vs. getting fired. Passing vs. failing an exam. Birth vs. death (of anyone or anything). Winning vs. losing. Starting a relationship vs. ending… Continue Reading →

A delightful dilemma

A dilemma is often described as a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more, usually undesirable, alternatives. You could say the Apostle Paul was facing a dilemma, his alternatives were Roman imprisonment or… Continue Reading →

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