

This past week I read Pursuing Christ. Creating Art:  Exploring Life at the Intersection of Faith and Creativity by Gary Molander.  He made a discerning statement that seized my attention:


You don’t need to create art for God. He doesn’t need it.


You need to create art in response to God.  Because the world needs it.


Do you see yourself as an artist?  If not you may want to take a look at this book.  Do you see your art in response to God for the benefit of the world?  If not you must realize that your most impacting art is a byproduct of time spent with the Creative Source – Jesus.  May He be a well of creativity springing up from your soul!


I will be away from blogging for several days.  Jeanne and I will be celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary in Paris (not Paris, Arkansas but the real one in France – it will be difficult for me to top this one).  Be back next week!